martes, 2 de agosto de 2011

Party time in velvet black!

So.. here's the thing.. i had this elegant night party (the birthday of my boyfriend's aunt)  a few days ago, and i though wearing my lovely black velvet dress, was a good idea... but the party turn out being.. hummm.. no SO elegant than i though...  so I tried to make my dress a little bit less elegant adding a pink belt... which turned out fitting pretty well with the look.. aaaaaaand as always(---lately--) i used my lovely basement boots... so... what do you think?

of course the makeup was pretty simple.. i thought that the dress speak enough for himself.

hope you like it
'till next time!


Now... some inspiration!

Obviously this photos aren't mine i took them from google.


10 comentarios:

  1. Me enacanta el terciopelo es usper sexy y elegante! y tus botas son divinas! muy guapa. xx saludos :)

  2. LIKEAZO a la ultima foto de inspiración, el vestido rojo vino, excelente. Me gusta tu vestido, creo q yo tmb me mandare a pedir uno.
    lo he visto en gris y no se que tan ventajoso sea, probare!
    teadoro amiga.

  3. bello no? terciopelo gris con encaje negrooooo o vino abajo de pantys BOOOOOOOOOM

    yo te adorooooooooo

  4. love your outfit!

    Neat post... would you like to follow each other!

  5. ideal tu look, y esa combinacion con rosa me ha enamorado!


  6. You look absolutely stunning! The dress is gorgeous! Alexa looks fabulous as always, of course:) Great post, darling! Love your blog and now following! Maybe you'll have time to visit my blog:)


  7. Nice outfit ... love your shoes! :D
